JELF Board Member Heidi Geller was awarded the recipient of the 2017 JELF Family Service Award, presented to individuals who have been involved in the organization for 5 years or less, during which time they have made significant impact.
Category: Video
2017 JELF Impact Video – 12-6-17
JELF’s 2017 Impact Video highlights stories from three current JELF students at different stages of their higher education. The stories of Sayyad, Hannah and Dakota represent so many of the Jewish families JELF assists each year.
My JELF Story in 60 Seconds (Phil)
Here from former JELF loan beneficiary Phil as he shares the difficult story behind his need for a loan from JELF. Today as an active JELF volunteer and annual donor, Phil is proud to be bringing it full circle!
5 – Marianne Garber Speech – 2-3-17
Board President, Marianne Garber, accepts her award honoring her and her husband, Stephen Garber, and speaks out on behalf of JELF and her longtime involvement with the organization.
Eydie Koonin on “Transformational Giving” at JELF 2016 Annual Meeting
In 2016 JELF Board Member, donor and community leader Eydie Koonin spoke at JELF’s Annual Meeting on the topic of Transformational Giving.
Board Meeting – 2-16-16
In 2016, a current recipient was the guest speaker at a JELF morning, sharing her story about receiving JELF loans.
Joe Alterman at JELF’s Taking Notes Event – 1-23-15
In 2015, jazz pianist Joe Alterman performed, along with several others all of whom were former JELF beneficiaries, for JELF’s Taking Notes event, held at the Defoor Centre.
Taking Notes Event 2 – 1-23-15
JELF Fundraising Event – Joe Alterman
Taking Notes Event 1 – 1-23-15
JELF Fundraising Event
Narrated JELF Video – 2009
The story of the Jewish Educational Loan Fund, celebrating its 20th year of the “JELF” name.
JELF 1999 Annual Meeting – 12-5-99
Featuring Judy Wolman (President), followed by Lynne Borsuk, Evaline Delsen and Ed Hyken.