In the aftermath of the tragic events on October 7, 2023, Jewish students across the country faced unprecedented challenges on their college campuses. Our compelling virtual panel featured current JELF recipients from various universities who shared their personal experiences, the impact on their education and community life, and how they found strength and resilience during […]
Tag: Students
Community Impact: Boca JELF Event Includes Passion and Impact
In a night filled with enthusiasm and purpose, JELF’s Boca Raton gathering on November 14, 2023 proved to be a resounding success, fueled by passionate alumni hosts and speakers Ron Krudo and Eitan Ovadia, engaging discussions, and a collective commitment to breaking down barriers to education for Jewish students! . Ron Krudo, a former JELF […]
JELF helps students get an education during crisis (3/9/21)
Even before COVID, Joshua had been inspired by his family’s story and had made the decision to become a lawyer. It was important to him that others got the second chance his brothers never received. To achieve his career aspirations, he knew he needed to pursue a law degree; his challenge was to find the […]
JELF raises average student loan in 2021, providing more support to deserving students than ever before! (12/21/20)
In 2021, JELF (Jewish Educational Loan Fund) provided 400 interest-free loans to Jewish college, graduate, and vocational students with a total of $1.8 million. This increase in loan amount allowed JELF to raise the average student loan by $400 over the previous year, which was especially important during this past year as inflation rose exponentially. […]
JELF: Investing in Students’ Futures (2/11/20)
Published in The Palm Beach Post, 7-30-19. What does Jewish Educational Loan Fund do? Student debt in the U.S. has reached record levels, making higher education out of reach for many families and saddling others with thousands in high-interest loans. According to The New York Times, 94% of undergrads are now borrowing for their education […]
2019 JELF Impact Video – 11-27-19
2019 JELF Impact Video featuring 3 very different middle class Jewish families, each stretched to the max and unable to afford the high cost of college. Learn about how JELF touched each of their lives.
JELF Raises $213K to Continue Support for Students – 12-5-17
JELF is one of Georgia’s oldest nonprofits and makes loans to cover the last dollars Jewish students need to pay for higher education. By SARAH MOOSAZADEH December 13, 2017, 10:49 am Photo by Marcia Caller Jaffe Oglethorpe President Larry Schall and outgoing board President Marianne Garber take time for a quick photo during JELF’s annual meeting and […]