Tag: recipients

JELF presents awards to three board members (12/21/20)

JELF presents awards to three board members (12/21/20) awards 2020

At their December 1, 2020 Annual Meeting, JELF recognized three dedicated Board Members for their leadership to JELF. For his 15+ years of service to the organization, including as Immediate Past President, Stan Lowenstein received JELF’s 2020 Garber Family Honor Roll Award. Executive Board Members Philip Krieger and Emily Sauerteig were both recipients of the […]

JELF Shabbat @ UGA Hillel – students watching JELF video – 3-4-19

JELF Shabbat @ UGA Hillel – students watching JELF video – 3-4-19 29

On March 4, 2019, over 50 students crowded into the Hillel for ‘JELF Shabbat,’ during which time the JELF team shared information about not only how to receive a 0% interest loan from JELF but the impact that these loans have on their peers and so many others!