Sponsor a Student Support a Jewish Student from Freshman to Senior Year

The Sponsor a Student program allows donors to create a lasting impact by providing consistent support throughout a Jewish student's academic journey. Your generosity eases their financial burden, allowing them to focus on their studies and succeed.

By committing to a four-year sponsorship, you can transform the life of a Jewish student, enabling them to graduate from their degree-seeking program. These students rely on last-dollar funds to bridge the gap between financial aid and the total cost of education.

Join us in this cause and witness the tangible difference your commitment makes. Sponsor a student today and help shape the future of our community.

Warren Binderman

Warren B.

"My family is proud to Sponsor a Student and extremely committed to providing for our community's students to obtain a college education."

emily sauerteig

emily s.

"These students are going through so many obstacles. By sponsoring their four-year educational journey, we can remove one barrier from them."

Sustainable Support

The average JELF applicant typically applies for assistance from JELF for at least four years.  When donors commit to a four-year gift, this allows JELF to effectively plan for the future.

Sending a check?

Make payable to "JELF":
6065 Roswell Rd, Suite 740
Atlanta, GA 30328

Questions about Sponoring a Student?

We understand that Sponsoring a Student is a commitment. Please reach out to a member of our development team so we can answer any questions you have.