RESOURCE The Louise Eatroff Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Louise Eatroff Memorial College Scholarship Fund supports education through college scholrships for eligible students.

The scholarships provide funding for Tuition and Fees and Room and Board. The goal is to fund the entire annual cost of tuition, fees, room and board (after application of any available Bright Futures Scholarship) for each student chosen for up to four consecutive years of undergraduate study. 

The Louise G. Eatroff Memorial College Scholarship Fund has been endowed by Nancy Geltman Resnick and Dr. Richard Eatroff as a means of both honoring Louise’s memory and assuring that the significance of her life will be remembered not just today or tomorrow, but well into the future. Her devotion to the Tampa Jewish Community Center, having served as its president for two terms, is well known. She was involved in many of its programs and worked tirelessly on its behalf lived by the Jewish values of Tzedekah and Tikkun Olam, and she believed wholeheartedly that a college education opens the door to countless opportunities for fulfillment and success in life.

If you have any questions email Alissa Fischel, Chief Development Officer, or call 813.769.4726.

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