jelf brunch with purpose! Empower Education Together

Please join us for Sunday brunch party at the East Cobb home of Ilana and Richard Peretz, and co-hosted by Jane and Craig Aronoff in support of JELF on Sunday, September 10th (11AM - 1PM).   We look forward to sharing brunch as well as a few ‘firsthand’ words about JELF – followed by Q&A.

As Board Members of JELF, and longtime supporters of this important cause, we are thrilled to share more about JELF’s impact on Jewish students in Atlanta and beyond.

peretz photo
richard and ilana peretz
Jane and Craig Aronoff
craig and jane aronoff

JELF is making a difference.

Each loan JELF makes represents a student and a story.

JELF has played a part by providing 7,119 interest-free, last dollar loans. We refer to our recipients as JELFies.

Loaned Last Year
Repayed Last Year
Donated Last Year

7,119 Total Students

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99% Repayment Rate

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473 Recpients Last Year

100% Jewish Students

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Children of the Hebrew Orphans’ Home going on a field trip
to the Loew’s Grand Theatre in Atlanta, circa 1928.
Children of the Hebrew Orphans’ Home going on a field trip to the Loew’s Grand Theatre in Atlanta, circa 1928.
Hebrew Orphans' Home, 478 Washington Street, Atlanta, 1889 - 1930. This building was sold in the 1970's and later demolished.
Hebrew Orphans' Home, 478 Washington Street, Atlanta, 1889 - 1930. This building was sold in the 1970's and later demolished.
Al Garber,
Hebrew Orphans' Home Resident; Board Chair 1965-1967
Al Garber, Hebrew Orphans' Home Resident; Board Chair 1965-1967

25 Partner Agencies

110 Volunteers

204 Universities Last Year

Many JELF loan recipients are vital members of the JELF community – in turn, helping future Jewish students in need

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$900K repaid last year.

This is one of the main ways our fund for new loans is replenished

JELF Alumni Leadership

16% of current JELF Board members are either former recipients themselves or have a close family member who was a JELF recipient!

Volunteering to Lend a Hand

Each year scores of volunteers from around JELF's five-state region personally review each loan applications

headshot for Tomer
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Tomer T.

"There was a low point in my life where I couldn't feed myself. JELF provided me with the funds to be able to pay for basic life necessities. That's why it's so important to me as a donor to give back to JELF"