Jewish Federations Partnering together for success
JELF is honored to have the support of the following Jewish Federations around the five-state region that it serves:
- Charleston Jewish Federation
- Columbia Jewish Federation
- Greater Miami Jewish Federation
- Greensboro Jewish Federation
- Jewish Community Federation of Richmond
- Jewish Council of North Central Florida
- Jewish Federation & Fdn. of Northeast Florida
- Jewish Federation of Florida's Gulf Coast
- Jewish Federation of Broward County
- Jewish Federation of Columbus
- Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta
- Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte
- Jewish Federation of Macon and Middle Georgia
- Jewish Federation of Greater Naples
- Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County
- Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary
- Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
- Jewish Federation of S. Palm Beach County
- Jewish For Good - Durham, NC
- Savannah Jewish Federation
- Shalom Orlando
- Tampa Jewish Community Centers & Federation