College scholarship program for students who have lost a parent. Qualified entrants who submit essays or videos about how the death of a parent impacted their lives are eligible for scholarship money. Applications are accepted online from February 1 to March 1. Scholarship recipients will be notified in the June/July timeframe; the full list of […]
Financial Aid: Scholarships
Live Más Scholarship Program
Funded by the Taco Bell Foundation, this program is open to students either currently enrolled in or actively applying to an accredited post-high school/post-secondary educational programs located in the United States or D.C. (including accredited two-and four-year colleges, universities, vocational-technical and trade schools). Applicants submit a 2 minute video as part of the application process.
National Debt Relief Scholarship
How To Find Scholarships Whether you’re starting college as an undergraduate or pursuing further education, earning at least one scholarship can take a big weight off your shoulders. Scholarships can reduce or even eliminate tuition costs, which can also reduce any student loan debt you may owe. With hundreds of thousands of scholarships available, it can […]
A-1 Auto Transport Scholarship
A-1 Auto Transport is one of the biggest U.S. based auto shippers. This scholarship is open to any current, full time or part time student of an accredited institution. Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 to become eligible. Applicants write an essay/article as part of the application process. Three awards worth $1,000, […]
Scholarship Search – Fastweb
Fastweb is your connection to scholarships, colleges, financial aid and more.
Caregiver Scholarship
Open to students who are caring for an adult relative while enrolled in college (or as a high school senior). Applicants submit either a 1,500-word essay or a two-minute video as part of the application process.