The Marc Mitchell Ravenscroft Scholarship has been created to help one student defray the high cost of university tuition. Marc believes that everyone who seeks high education should be able to do so. The $1000 scholarship’s deadline is August 1 and they notify the winner August 15th.
Financial Aid: Scholarships
180 Medical Caregiver Scholarship
180 Medical’s new annual scholarship opportunity is for full-time college students who are unpaid caregivers for a family member or loved one with a chronic disability or medical condition. The Ron Howell Caregiver Scholarship is awarded to one student for $1000. This opportunity is offered to legal U.S. Citizens seeking a two-year, four-year, or graduate […]
Jared J Davis Scholarship
Jared J. Davis is an entrepreneur looking to assist one struggling college student via his tuition grant. The grant will be awarded to the student who writes the most outstanding essay that answers the question noted below.
Sylvia Tuman Scholarship Program
Scholarships for qualified Jewish students who require financial assistance to further their education. Students must be enrolled or accepted into an undergraduate or graduate degree program at a college or university located in Miami-Dade or Broward counties. Preference is given to institutions in Miami-Dade County. The deadline to apply is typically at the end of […]
The Rosalyn Saltz and Norman Seymour Pliner Scholarship Fund
Provides financial assistance for post-secondary education to applicants residing in North or South Carolina. Selected recipient(s) must demonstrate commitment and involvement in their chosen field as well as advancing Jewish women in leadership roles.
The Self-Publishing School Creative Writing Scholarship
A $1000 grant will be paid via check to the college or university. Funds are to be applied to qualified college expenses (including tuition, fees, books, and on-campus room and board) for the current academic year.
Georgia United Credit Union Scholarship
Applicants must be a Georgia United Credit Union member. See scholarship page for more details regarding eligibility and application process.
The Esther Bleich Scholarship (Atlanta area)
The Esther Bleich Scholarship, offered through The Temple, provides scholarship assistance to Atlanta area Jewish young people pursuing college and post graduate degrees. Scholarships are available in the amount of $1000-$7500 to any Jewish student in the greater Atlanta area. The grants or loans, which carry low interest rates, are primarily need-based, but student merit […]
Eda and Cliff Viner Community Scholars Foundation
The Viner Community Scholarship is a program that provides South Palm Beach County High School students with four year scholarships to colleges and universities in the State of Florida public educational system.
PeerFinance101 Personal Finance Scholarship
This annual scholarship of $1,000 is open to students either currently enrolled in or actively applying to an undergraduate or graduate-level program. Submissions will be accepted starting in January of each year with a winner selected by September.
The Sara and Max Goldsammler Scholarship Fund
Sponsored by Orthodox Union Alumni, this scholarship is offered for any high school senior or current Jewish college student for college tuition.
List of Jewish Scholarships
Community and connection to history are two of the most common criteria for awarding Jewish scholarships and financial aid. Few faiths have as much history or sense of community as Judaism. Both national and local scholarships are available for Jewish students trying to find money for college. Whether you are currently practicing or simply of […]
Aging Matters Scholarship
A scholarship will be given annually to a student that currently cares for an aging loved one, works within the senior community, or intends to pursue a career that will have an impact on the elder population. Applicants submit an essay on “why aging matters” as part of the application process.
Simon Youth Foundation Scholarships
Each year, SYF’s scholarships support hundreds of college-bound students through three nationally competitive scholarship programs. Applicants are evaluated based on academic promise, financial need, work experience and community/extracurricular involvement; additional criteria apply to each individual scholarship program.
Life Lessons Scholarship Program
College scholarship program for students who have lost a parent. Qualified entrants who submit essays or videos about how the death of a parent impacted their lives are eligible for scholarship money. Applications are accepted online from February 1 to March 1. Scholarship recipients will be notified in the June/July timeframe; the full list of […]