Jelfies David P.

Florida State University

Bachelor of Science in Real Estate & Finance
david schoenberger boca|David S

Having the opportunity to be supported by the generous donors at JELF throughout my undergraduate career gave me the luxury of not having to worry about how to pay for tuition or rent while at Florida State. Ultimately, this provided me the ability of being able focus solely on what was most important to me, which was doing well in school and my career development. During my time spent at Florida State, I can confidently say I would not be where I am today without the assistance of organizations like JELF. I am forever grateful to be in the position I am today and to be able to give back to those that believed in me when I needed it the most.

JELF Success Stories

JELF is dedicated to providing students with the means to
fulfill their educational goals.

College is hard enough without the burden of student loan debt.

College is getting more expensive

The average cost of college in the United States is $35K a year. This cost is only going to continue to grow.

Income rarely matches the cost.

31% of Jewish families have a household income of under $50K. The Jewish community is not immune to debt or hardship.

Average student loan debt is $30K

That's a problem! With student loan debt at an all time high, JELF is here to help!
