Thank You for contacting jelf We look forward to helping you.

Please allow up to two business days for a member of our team to get back to you.  If it is an urgent matter, please contact JELF's office at 770-396-3080.

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  • Sydney L.

  • Danielle B.

  • Spencer W.

  • Eli B.

  • Dorian W.

  • Amanda L.

  • Thomas S.

  • Sarah B.

  • David S.

  • Joseph L.

  • Rebekah P.

  • Shaayna E.


    Over time JELF has provided over $$2,055,042 in interest free loans to 6,646 Jewish students in our five-state region.

    JELF students come from single parent families, immigrant families, families afflicted with illness, job-related issues and special needs. The list goes on! Our interest-free loans provide relief by helping Jewish students who have demonstrated need.

    Together, we are making a difference.

    $21.5M Loaned Over Time

    6,646 Students Helped

    99% Repayment Rate