Let's Empower Education Together! 147th Annual Meeting
We appreciate your support in recognizing the profound impact of our collective efforts!
JELF's 147th Annual Meeting was an incredible success, celebrating JELF and the incredible work of our Jewish community, including dedicated donors whose consistent support fuels our mission.
Evening Highlights:
- INSTALLATION of 2024 Board of Directors and Executive Board by Dr. Judy Wolman, including incoming Board Chair Emily Sauerteig
- MAZEL TOV to 2023 Award Recipients Jeff Alperin, Greg Gaylis and Andy Gross - and outgoing Board Chair Rob Rickles on his second successful two-year term!
- Richard Peretz, former CFO of UPS and JELF Executive Board Member
- Eli Benveniste, Current JELF Recipient
- D'VAR TORAH from the inspirational Rabbi Brad Levenberg of Temple Sinai
Thank You To Our Event Sponsors:
JELF is making a difference.
Each loan JELF makes represents a student and a story.
JELF has played a part by providing 6,646 interest-free, last dollar loans. We refer to our recipients as JELFies.
6,646 Total Students
99% Repayment Rate
438 Recpients Last Year
100% Jewish Students
Many JELF loan recipients are vital members of the JELF community – in turn, helping future Jewish students in need
$813K repaid last year.
This is one of the main ways our fund for new loans is replenished
JELF Alumni Leadership
16% of current JELF Board members are either former recipients themselves or have a close family member who was a JELF recipient!
Volunteering to Lend a Hand
Each year scores of volunteers from around JELF's five-state region personally review each loan applications
Tomer T.
"There was a low point in my life where I couldn't feed myself. JELF provided me with the funds to be able to pay for basic life necessities. That's why it's so important to me as a donor to give back to JELF"