JELF is making a difference.
Each loan JELF makes represents a student and a story.
JELF has played a part by providing 7,119 interest-free, last dollar loans. We refer to our recipients as JELFies.
Loaned Last Year
Repayed Last Year
Donated Last Year
7,119 Total Students
99% Repayment Rate
473 Recpients Last Year
100% Jewish Students

Children of the Hebrew Orphans’ Home going on a field trip
to the Loew’s Grand Theatre in Atlanta, circa 1928.

Hebrew Orphans' Home, 478 Washington Street, Atlanta, 1889 - 1930. This building was sold in the 1970's and later demolished.

Al Garber,
Hebrew Orphans' Home Resident; Board Chair 1965-1967
Many JELF loan recipients are vital members of the JELF community – in turn, helping future Jewish students in need
$900K repaid last year.
This is one of the main ways our fund for new loans is replenished
JELF Alumni Leadership
16% of current JELF Board members are either former recipients themselves or have a close family member who was a JELF recipient!
Volunteering to Lend a Hand
Each year scores of volunteers from around JELF's five-state region personally review each loan applications
Tomer T.
"There was a low point in my life where I couldn't feed myself. JELF provided me with the funds to be able to pay for basic life necessities. That's why it's so important to me as a donor to give back to JELF"